Letter to AAW from War Resisters Support Campaign

Letter to AAW from War Resisters Support Campaign Toronto

Dear AAWFrance --

I see on your website that you will be holding a vigil on September 13.
I am writing to ask that you consider taking as one of the themes of
your vigil the issue of supporting US Iraq War resisters in Canada. By
doing so, you will be joining with our Day of Action which will feature
events in cities and towns across Canada.

Our reason for holding the September 13 Day of Action is the crisis the
war resisters are facing due to the determination of the right-wing
Harper government to force them to return to the US to face punishment.

In July war resister Robin Long was arrested and deported to the US.
Last week, Robin was courtm martialled and sentenced to 15 months in
prison and a dishonourable discharge -- one of the heavisest sentences
yet seen for this "offence'. His only crime was to come to canada to
seek sanctuary, to live peacefully here, and to speak out publicly
against the Iraq War.

More recently, war resister Jeremy hinzman and his family(his wife, 6
year old son, and 4 week old daughter) were told they must leave Canada
by September 23 or face deportation. In the US Jeremy would no doubt
face heavy punishment as the first, and best known, war resister to
come to Canada because of his opposition to the war.

We are asking our friends and supporters in Canada, the US, and around
the world to join us in our Day of Action if they can, and it would be
great if our friends in Paris could do that.


Lee Zaslofsky
War Resisters Support Campaign